About Us

St. Paul after whom this School is named was not merely a saint but a scholar of repute during his day; He is also reserved as an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Paul, whose original anme was Saul, was born in Tarsus in Cecilia(Greece) in the first decade of the first century in a Hebrew family. By virtue of Tarsus being in the Roman Empire, he was also a Roman citizen by birth. He had a thorough knowledge of Greek too and was tutored by Gamaliel a great scholar-philsopher of those days.He grew up not merely as an orthodox Jew. But a Jewish fanatic as well. He persecuted the Cristians, putting the Christian into jail and death.Once he had set out for Damasuis to persecute and arrest the Christians there. On way he had a vision of the Lord Jesus Christ and at that very instant he became a Christian and ironically the persecutor became a propogator of Christianity.

He took upon himself the responsibilty of preaching the Gospel to the 'Gentiles'- meaning the non-Jews.

He understood three missionary journeys travelling by ship and road begining from Macedomia and finishing at Ephesus. He shuttled to and fro Jerusalem. During this period he had faced shipwrecks, arrests and physical torture survived assassination attempts, imprisonments after trials in loyal and religious courts.Finally he appealed to the Caesar at Rome for justice. After a long voyage, Paul was taken to Rome. But by then Nero becomes the Caesar who adopted a policy to persecute the Christians. Around 68 A.D. Paul was put to death by Nero.

Paul was an outstanding public speaker, prolific wrietr exhoring moral and spiritual values. Before his marks to death he had established scores of churches and fostered many church leaders. He was an advocate of the subline love of God and his poem on "LOVE" is found in his letter to the church at Corinthian.(I Cor: 13). Itis an immortal piece of enlogising love as 'summun bonum' of life. He was also a great theologic teacher.

In order to prepare oneself for a life of dedication, commitment, selfless service and generosity, one has to undergo long years of rigorous training. The same road as his other campanions.

About Library

Library Rules


  • 1. The Library will remain open from 1:00 p.m to 5:00 p.m from Monday to Saturday.
  • 2. No marks or inscriptions of any kind may be made in any book of the library. Offenders will be fined in proportion to the damage done. If a book is lost it must be replaced or the full price of the book paid.
  • 3. Magazine and journals are to be read in the library. No marks or inscriptions are to be made on them.
  • 4. Students must maintain Silence and Discipline in the library

No. of books & journals in Library



In the Library 6456 books are available in the St. Paul College and 5 referred Journals subscribed

The College Library Is Divided Into Two Sections:

Reference Library


Reference books are not to be removed from the library.Students can use them in the library itself.

Students Library


  • 1. 2 library cards will be issued per student.
  • 2. Library cards are not be lent or exchanged.
  • 3. Books from the College library are issued to the students on days assigned for the different classes.
  • 4. Two books are issued at a time for a period of 15 days. Books may be reissued for another 10 days provided they are not demanded by other Students.
  • 5. Failure to return a book on expiry of due date will involve the payment of a fine of Rs. 1:00 per day.
  • 6. All library books must be returned 15 days before the examination.
  • 7. Library cards are to be submitted at the time of clearance.
  • 8. Library caution money of Rs. 500/- is to be deposited by every student, caution money will be refunded in the month of July.