( 1 )
Students are expected to attend College regularly.75% Attendance in every subject is a must as per university rules. Defaulters may please note that they will not be given admission in the next academic year as regular students.
( 1 )
Students are expected to attend College regularly.75% Attendance in every subject is a must as per university rules. Defaulters may please note that they will not be given admission in the next academic year as regular students.
Identity Card
( 2 )
Each student is provided with an Identity Card which should be brought to College everyday. The card should be presented whenever asked for on any ocassion. If the identity Card is lost it may be reissued on payment or Rs 25/-.
Ragging Prohibited
( 3 )
Ragging of students in any form is stricly prohibited. Students are hereby warned taht they will be summarily expelled from the college if they are caught ragging other students anywhere on the college premises or outside, while coming to College who has been subjected to such ragging, strict disciplinary action will be taken. It is the privilege of the senior students to welcome juniors to this institution and to make them feel at home. Let kindness and courtesy be the hallmark of every student in the academic year.